My Story…

My Story…

Born and raised in South Africa

I was born and raised in South Africa where I grew up with 3 older brothers and one younger. We lost our dad when I was just 13 which made it very difficult for my mom to be able to provide for us all. I recall my mom working 2 jobs to try and make ends meet, but often heard her crying late at night because she wasn’t able to pay all the bills.

A different life for my children

When I married and started a family of my own, I wanted a different life for my children. But unbeknown to me, I was dramatically over-compensating, always buying them the latest toys and designer clothes throwing elaborate birthday parties and taking them on super expensive holidays. I had no idea about keeping a budget and was always overspending. My credit cards were often maxed out and we had no savings for a rainy day.

Reoccurring Pattern

By the time our kids were just 5 and 7, we had accumulated so much debt that my husband had to take a contract in Europe to help settle the bills. Nevertheless, I felt extremely guilty about uprooting the children and taking them away from their home, family and friends. The only way I could appease my guilt was to compensate by overspending, and so the pattern continued.

Unbeknown to me, this pattern was repeating itself at every turn, until one day I took the Money Type Quiz and started looking at my behaviour around money from an archetypal perspective. It was then that I realised that my actions around money were being driven from a deep seated subconscious place.

Money Coaching

After working with professional Money Coaches I was able to identify and change my limiting behaviours towards money. I’ve broken free from my past patterns and have experience an amazing life changing rebirth. It was then that I realized that this was something I wanted to devote my life to. Helping other woman break free from the subconscious chains that hold them back and prevent them from living their life to the full.

I then enrolled with Money Coaching Institute and completed their Certified Money Coaching program. Through my training, I’ve learnt how to help others identify the behavioural patterns they’ve inherited from their parents. To help them identify which ones are positive and worth keeping, and which ones are best to change. I’ve also learnt how to help people transform their thinking and approach towards money from one which is self-destructive to one which is edifying and inspiring.

My Passion

Having experienced this liberation for myself, I’m passionate about helping women break free from self-doubt, low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence. If you would like to experience this for yourself, I will come alongside you and together we’ll create a new exciting and prosperous future. A place where you can live out your dreams with passion and inspiration.
If you’re ready to take the first step, I’d be honoured to walk with you. Contact me and let’s start the journey together.

Your privacy and confidentially is absolutely assured.

See Also

Are You Waiting for Something to Change?


10 Steps to Getting Out of Debt

Will vs. Willpower And the Winner Is

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